Flow your projects to success

Personalized and seamless project management experience. With Lumflow, you can tailor workflows, roles, and permissions to fit your team's needs.

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Personalized and seamless project management experience with Lumflow.


We are more than just a board with integrations

With Lumflow, your team can unlock the full potential of project management, integrating all of the essential disciplines to achieve success.


Project Management

Built by managers. Lumflow is the only platform that will make your processes agile, effective and transparent from initiation to delivery.

Project Register

Get a comprehensive overview of all ongoing projects. Keep track of project details, stakeholders, and risks, and ensure high-quality project execution.

Agile Frameworks

From Kanban board to Scrum sprints. Choose the right methodology that best fits your project needs.

Document Management

Collaborate on project documentation in real time. Create, organize and share important files from meeting notes to project specifications.


Team Management

Take collaboration to new heights with Lumflow. Invite your entire team to our platform and create a remote office that mirrors your company`s structure.

Collaborative Chat

Discuss project updates, ask questions, share funny gifs. Stay in sync with Lumflow chat.

Manage team access and security

Create your own customizable organizational structure and specify who can see, edit, and approve what across the team.


Lumflow empowers you to set goals, track progress, and achieve success constantly.


Time Management

Time is money. Keep track of your estimated time against time spent on tasks.


Get a comprehensive overview of all ongoing projects. Keep track of project details, stakeholders, and risks, ensure quality execution.

Time Tracking

Track your time with a timer or manually log hours on a timesheet.

Billable Time

Indicate which tasks or projects should be invoiced by flagging them as billable.

See how you can benefit with Lumflow


Create efficient workflows, setup automation rules, integrate with other systems to eliminate time spent on switching between multiple tools.

Reporting & analytics

Track project and team performance, monitor profitability to make informed business decisions. The most flexible Lumflow dashboards at your disposal.


Your company is unique and your project management software should be too. Customize every detail to fit the specific needs without any hassle or hours wasted on tutorials.


Unify your work and save time by bringing all your tools and platforms together in one place.


Moving made simple. Import your data in a couple of clicks from other tools.


Flexible pricing as you scale



14-day free trial

Ones for one user

Access to all basic features

Basic AI-generator

1 individual account

20GB individual data

Basic chat and email support



14-day free trial

Ones for one user

Access to all basic features

Basic AI-generator

1 individual account

20GB individual data

Basic chat and email support



14-day free trial

Ones for one user

Access to all basic features

Basic AI-generator

1 individual account

20GB individual data

Basic chat and email support

LumFlow is launching soon...
Until then...

Join the waitlist along with 1070+ users

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To get early access and witness the speed and productivity of managing your projects like never before!